Home Health Atkins Diet Good or Bad

Atkins Diet Good or Bad


By Bodybuilding Cookbook.

There is currently a very big debate going on about the Atkins Diet. All web sites are talking about it and the popularity of the subject needs to be taken a look at. We are faced with something impressive: a promise that you can reach your weight loss goals while not avoiding everything you would have to avoid with different diets out there. All is based on low intake of carbohydrates but as you might already know, a low carb diet is very debatable. The Atkins Diet starts with a very simple principle: People that are overweight simply take in too many carbs. The human body will burn carbs and fat in order to obtain energy. The problem is that carbs are the first nutrients that are burned. If we reduc carbs and increase fat and protein intake we basically help the body lose weight because fat that is stored will be burned faster. At the end of the day, it has been shown that most people that are on an Atkins Diet do so in order to stay healthy and not really to lose weight.

Atkins Diet Nutrition

When we start eating less carbs our body ends up in ketosis. This is a state that will burn fat in order to gain energy. People that are under ketosis basically get energy thanks to ketones (carbon fragments that are obtained thanks to fat breakdown). Because we are under ketosis our body will make us feel less hungry. This basically means that we eat less. The problem is that this condition can also have unpleasant effects on the human body. The best example stands in constipation and breath odor that is unusual. The Atkins Diet basically aims to turn the body from a device that burns carbohydrates for energy into a device that burns fat. Because of this fact it is claimed that the end result is weight loss.

Atkins Diet and Insulin

Let us consider what happens with us when our diet is high in carbohydrates. Sugar basically gets quickly in our bloodstream. In order to stop sugar levels from getting too high, we end up with a body that secretes insulin. Thanks to this hormone the sugar that is extra will be stored in muscles and liver under the form of glycogen. The problem is that glycogen reserve capacity is easy to be filled. Extra sugar ends up being turned into fat and this is what we are really trying to get rid of.

The Atkins Diet is based on the theory that the body as to be controlled when making insulin. As a result it is also claimed that this diet can control the appearance of diabetes. This is because any body that is under ketosis will burn the extra fat. Such a reality should make the body return to a well functioning metabolism. We are basically faced with an increase in fat that will make your cholesterol level higher but this will only happen for a short time.

Atkins Diet Facts

A diet like the Atkins Diet does come with a lot of associated problems. This means that you have to be very careful when deciding to go through with it. Working out is also recommended but remember that vitamin supplements might be needed because fruits and vegetables might not be enough for the daily requirements if ketosis steps in. Now the biggest advantage comes from the fact that you can eat a lot of foods that you wouldn’t be allowed to with other diets. People do love to eat what they like and if the Atkins Diet allows them to do so while also promising weight loss, it is easy to see why the success of this weight loss plan is huge. Now here are the facts you have to know about the diet:

  • – the food limitations are fewer but the food types or not. You are basically not allowed to eat foods like milk, white rice, refined sugar and white flour
  • – loss of appetite is promised
  • – you can eat traditional rich foods like cheese, eggs, meat and a lot more
  • – you are allowed to eat fat and pure protein. This includes fish, red meat, regular cheese, fowl and so on. You can even cook by using butter and sometimes oil is allowed
  • – carbs have to be restricted to at least the minimum of the regular daily requirements in the 2 weeks at the beginning of your diet.

Atkins Diet Debate

The Atkins Diet is not really supported by a lot of nutrition specialists. In fact, when the diet first appeared we were faced with less of an emphasis on physical exercise than now. This did raise questions and still does because working out is always important when losing weight right and we all know that. The problem is that ketosis can be hard to handle

The truth is that there have been some studies done that showed a link between low carb diets and weight loss. The Problem is that there are also other diets out there that can aid you in reaching weight loss. You have to know that at the moment there is no 100% proof that the Atkins Diet is the best one when talking about weight loss. We must always take into consideration the fact that every human is different and what works for some will not work for others. There are also some specialists that are quite concerned with the long term effects that this diet has. It can be really effective for weight loss but there are some speculations that link the Atkins Diet with a promotion of heart disease. There are also people that simply have problems with too much protein in the nutrition plan. There is also proof that the human body requires a minimum of carbs daily in order to work right. This diet will take you below the requirements, at least in the first 2 weeks. We can also mention a lot of other problems linked with a low carb diet but there is a lot more on this topic that we have to consider.

Atkins Diet Closing Thoughts

While a lot of people are concerned with the Atkins Diet, there are also others that have had results. We can not deny the fact that all should work really well in theory but there are also problems. We do have to put an emphasis on the fact that low carb intakes can bring problems and you should really talk with a nutritionist whenever going for this diet plan. If you can not do that, make sure that you gather as much info as possible and always do the math when counting protein, carbs and all other nutrients.