Home Business Find Out How You Can Eradicate Grubs from Your Lawn

Find Out How You Can Eradicate Grubs from Your Lawn


What do you know about grubs? Is your lawn infested with grubs? Are you looking for lawn grub control services to eradicate this problem?  How would you know if your yard is grub-infested? Is it possible to remove grubs from your yard? If so, how? 

About grubs

A beetle in its larvae development stage is called a grub. When a beetle lays eggs, they hatch short, white, and worm-like insects. They live in the soil found on the lawn while feeding on roots. When disturbed, the grub will curl into a “c” shape. If you are digging your yard and come across more than one grub, it indicates that there could be many more in your yard. If this is the case, you will need to contact lawn grub control services to figure out the lawn care treatment that is required.

Signs of grub damage

  1. Grub spotted in the lawn.

It is hard to see grubs since they rarely appear on the surface. To know for sure, you will have to dig into the grass in places where you suspect the grubs are. If you see lots of grubs, there is a big problem. You need lawn grub control services to deal with the problem before your lawn is entirely damaged.

  1. Unusually spongy areas.

Some areas in your lawn are unusually soft when you walk on them. It is an early indication of grubs.

  1. Brown patches on the grass.

Areas infested with grub turn brown. It doesn’t matter if you add fertilizer or how many times you water the grass. It is the first sign of grub infestation.

  1. Dug-up parts.

When animals like birds and raccoons want to eat the grubs, they dig their way into the soil to get to them. 

  1. Damaged grassroots.

The damaged grass rolls up like a carpet. It makes it easy to look for grubs under the soil.

To get a conclusive assessment, you should ask a professional to examine your lawn.

How can you remove grubs?

It is impossible to find and remove all the grubs in your lawn since they live beneath the soil. Spraying your yard can be an option. However, it’s not the appropriate option. You may end up putting your family’s health in danger or cause more harm to your grass. The company you choose to tackle this problem should be experienced, have professional tools, and know the right methods to solve the grub problem.

What should you expect?

  1. Monitoring of adult beetles.

The lawn care technicians will monitor the activity of adult beetles throughout the season. They then notify the clients if grubs are present and recommend preventative treatment.

  1. Timely applications.

Before the egg hatching season, preventative treatment is applied. For effective control, preventative treatment should be applied under the right conditions and at the right time. 

  1. Effective control.

Grubs should be controlled effectively before they start to hatch and damage your lawn.


A beetle in the larvae development stage is called a grub. Grubs are pests that can seriously damage the appearance, health, and natural defenses of your yard. They live beneath the soil and feed on grass. Unusually spongy areas, grub spotted in your lawn, brown patches on the grass, and dug-up parts indicate that your yard is grub infested. If this is the case, you should find lawn grub control services to remove grubs from your yard.