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Database Migration Service



Since every organization or business is unique there are no two identical database migration tasks. Moreover, database is often a part of large system including applications, interfaces, documentation and other materials. Being one of leading companies in database migration field, Intelligent Converters offer the service to assist with any kind of migration projects. 

Below is the partial list of tasks addressed by the service: 

  • Moving legacy database to a modern database management system
  • Migrating database to SAAS platform (such as Azure SQL, Amazon RDS, etc)
  • Rewriting applications and optimizing for new DBMS
  • Complete migration of corporate data warehouse to another hardware platform or database management system in order to reduce TCO or to scale the system

Intelligent Converters view of database migration concept exceeds standard point-to-point approach by most part of related service providers. Their specialists take care about integrated migration strategy, best return on investment and post-production support. Prior to project implementation they always spend time on deep analysis of data flow as key to efficient solution that meets customer’s business needs.

Based on more than 15-year experience of database migration, Intelligent Converters discover the most important parts of high quality service in this field: 

  • Migration of database schemas, indexes and constraints 
  • Data migration
  • Views, stored procedures and triggers conversion
  • Application conversion and optimization
  • Integration with 3rd party applications 
  • Overall testing and optimization 
  • Update documentation and knowledge base related to the database
  • Training and consulting

Rich collection of unique software products and solutions allows the company to guarantee high quality of the migration process, optimal timeframe and affordable rates. These are tools for parallel loading terabytes of data, fast data comparison and partially automated conversion of views, stored procedures and triggers. All major database management systems are supported: PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL, IBM DB2, Firebird, Microsoft Access, FoxPro and SQLite.

Optimization is one of primary challengesin themigration process. Sometimes it appears that legacy database is not utilized at full capacity.Most critical problems are connected to server’s memory and efficiency of queries. Without tuning every aspect of data and application flow, database migration may not achieve the goal as higher overall performance and reducing TCO. 

This brief guide to high quality database migration illustrates that it requires combination of the appropriate software and professional skills of the staff. For companies having no their own database experts, it is reasonable to outsource the migration project to service provider specializing  in this field. 

Visit this page to learn more about Intelligent Converters and their database migration service: https://www.convert-in.com/data-migration-service.htm