Home Health Know when to take creatine

Know when to take creatine


For your body’s muscles to contract, creatine is a natural energy source. It gets its name from the Greek word meaning meat. A carnivorous diet provides roughly half of the body’s supply, while the other half is created in the liver and kidneys and then supplied to the skeletal muscles for utilization. Creatine is stored in your skeletal muscle and used during physical exercise to 95 per cent95 percent. Due to its ability to boost production in active muscles, creatine helps to ensure that working muscles are constantly supplied with energy. Creatine supplements have been used by professional and amateur athletes of all levels to augment their workout routines and promote workout recovery. The best Creatine supplements increase strength and provide “quick burst” energy, which boosts performance but has minimal effect on aerobic endurance.

What are some of the advantages of taking creatine supplements?

According to research, using creatine supplements may:

  • Improve your physical performance.
  • Assist your recovery after a strenuous workout.
  • Prevent or lessen the severity of an injury.
  • Assist athletes in tolerating high training loads.
  • During training, increase your fat-free muscular mass.
  • Vegetarians may benefit more from the supplements because they have lesser intramuscular creatine storage. However, it may take longer to build up muscle levels.

What are the negative consequences of taking creatine supplements?

Creatine is a relatively safe supplement with few documented adverse effects. It would help if you kept in mind, however:

  • You may gain weight if you take creatine supplements due to water retention in your muscles. It can take seven to 28 days to start feeling the effects of increased energy, depending on how much creatine you already have in your system.
  • I am taking creatine pills while dehydrated or reducing weight can be hazardous.

Is using creatine supplements safe?

Although your body naturally has creatine, taking additional supplements is generally safe. Products sold in stores may differ regarding creatine supplement quantity, quality, and extra components. Additionally, there is no supervision over safety and purity standards. Check with your doctor about the use of creatine supplements in children under 18.


Creatine supplements are available in several brands and products. The supplements can be purchased over-the-counter at vitamins, drugs, grocery stores, and online. Creatine monohydrate, a dietary supplement that improves muscle function in short-duration, high-intensity resistance activities, is the most common. The use of these supplements by athletes during strength training, especially weightlifting and cycling, is beneficial, according to a study. Other forms of creatine have not been discovered to have further benefits.